Thursday, June 16, 2011

Maasai Mara this season- The Seventh Wonder

The grass is growing faster and greening every minute. The shrubs are thickening with more and bigger greener foliage. The grazer and browsers are in a festive mood. its the wilderbeast migration season once again.

The rains pounded early and there is plenty to feed on. The cats are waking are loosening their belts .... adjusting to the bounty meal in waiting. They are breaking their seemingly seasonal fasting in preparation to a great feasting.

A pack of Lions Lazying in the afternoon Maasai Mara sun.

Lion Cubs drinking water from a roadside pool in Maasai Mara

A herd of Zebras, Gazelles and warthogs grazing in Maasai Mara

Giraffes in Maasai Mara

Mama Elephant and baby elephant in Maasai Mara